The Four E’s of Successful Fundraising


Be Efficient with your time


Planned Giving conversations allow fundraisers to quickly evaluate the giving capacity of prospects and allow them to spend their time efficiently with the best prospects.


Eliminate giving hurdles


Eliminate the hurdle of a donor saying “no” to a gift request by showing them how to address the concerns that led to the “no.” Planned Giving techniques can help the donor address their concerns, whether it be having enough retirement income, having funds set aside to support aging parents, children’s education or starter homes, or freeing up their illiquid assets without paying a lot of taxes. Once these hurdles are cleared, the donor can more easily discuss accomplishing their philanthropic goals with a current gift!


Expand giving potentail.


Planned Giving techniques can allow a donor to use their illiquid assets (real estate, business holdings, stock, or retirement accounts) to make larger gifts than a cash gift.


Empower fundraisers and volunteers.


Using Planned Giving language can empower fundraisers and volunteers to utilize the previous three E’s to become more productive fundraisers.